POTM Entrys February 2011

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I thought you can't edit the pictures?!? There's obvious vignetting on that photo as well as other tweaks to the original.....
I get tweaking the highlights etc but adding effects to create a more dramatic photo isn't fair to people that haven't got the software....
I took that photo on my phone on a certain setting i haven't edited it at all in any kind of software, so that is the original.
Howies":yvn22col said:
I took that photo on my phone on a certain setting i haven't edited it at all in any kind of software, so that is the original.

Howie she counts dont worry
Well thats a relief then, i quite like that photo :)

Twingogeekeo":2yv2kftp said:
Howie your not aloud to win again other wise we could make a Howie calender :lol:
Shuussssshhhhhhh Karl! You've sussed me out and ruined my plans! Damn you! :lol:

Daveyb133":2yv2kftp said:
we should make a new thread called howies picture challenge, who can beat him, lol
Do it :lol: And Karl no sabotaging :evil: :lol:
Twingogeekeo":1fwd8q11 said:
Alex we cant except that picture !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why not? Have I broken any rules - it's my car, I took the photo, I haven't PSed it - no, so it stays.

I may even win.

In fact everyone vote for mine just so this photo gets chosen for the calender next year! :cool:
I will vote for you Alex because i love you
Twingogeekeo":2vxneztl said:
I hate it so so much its not clean !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nor are you but i dont hate you!
Seriously everyone vote for me - it will go down as the greatest (worst) calender month of any club anywhere - isn't that something to be proud of?!

I'm also offended Karl. Everyone jumps through hoops for clean photoed cars but what about the people who aren't bothered about car hygiene? There are an equal amount. It's dirtest if you ask me. I want my photo in the calender to support our "kind"
Also because I will win, Howles should be aloud to re-enter his as it's a great shot.
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