Road Rant Vent Thread!

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Ollie133cup":no5kwk2g said:
Im not being funny but generally people that undertake do it because the person in front is think and driving in the outside lane when the inside landes flippin free so they undertake then to overtake ..... if you catch my drift...

It`s only happened to me once and it was by a guy who was on a mission to get round everyone on the motorway and wouldn`t wait for you to move out of his way. I`m always moving over for people, so it very rarely happens.
Tw*ts in BMW X1s that hog the middle of a country road!

I was on my way to Knockhill on Sunday for Modified Live with 3 of my mates in their Swift Sports.

Coming down a country road, barely wide enough to fit 2 cars slowly but plenty of passing places to stop and reverse back if needs be.

So some d*ck in a 60 Plated BMW X1 was coming down the middle of the road towards us, obviously didn't want to scratch his pride and joy. I repeatedly flashed my lights at him and he did not move over at all and kept barreling towards us....there was noone behind him and he JUST passed a Passing Place!

He could have quite easily, stopped and reversed as we were all slowing down...but no.

He stuck to the middle of the road, at the speed he was doing and forced us all to squeeze past (more like screech), between him and a big f*ck off Gorse bush.

We all got stupid amounts of scratches down the sides of our cars..
Luckily, mine T cutted out once I got home but I was fuming! :evil:
If they come flying down single track roads at me, I always stop and make them go up the grass verge and scratch their cars. It serves them right for driving like proons.
If you are holding me up and there is a free lane for you to move in to i will not undertake i will just flash you lots until you move.
Hoggers of the middle lane!

Also, yesterday, I overtook a Clio Cup in lane 2, gave him a wave. I pulled from 3 > 2, and he accelerated towards the back of my car, meaning I had to pull back into 3. He accelerated undertaking me and the car in front. I think we're all for a bit of speed when its safe to do so, but not stupid sh!t like this.

General driving ettiquette.
Sh!t parking!

The other night, some stupid b!tch in a Micra was cursing as I chose not to overtake a cyclist..cue hand gestures and general irate-ness! At the traffic lights, I timed my journey through the traffic lights so she got caught on a red :p
Today my one isn't road users as such, but more... bloody teenagers stepping out in front of my car. Did their parents not teach them the Green Cross Code? Or like most teenagers, they probably think they're invincible.
Tractors!!! They are so slow and take up the whole road and the worse thing is they don't move over to let u passed, even when there's a queue of cars behind them
People who pull out stupidly close to you from a junction, when there is no one behind you. And then turn off at the next road!!!! Arhhhh also people in big 4x4's and things that think they can push you around on the road - doesn't work for me coz if they hit me it's their fault. And just general stupid drivers. Yesterday was a bad driving day :(
Sam":jkxn69eb said:
Today my one isn't road users as such, but more... bloody teenagers stepping out in front of my car. Did their parents not teach them the Green Cross Code? Or like most teenagers, they probably think they're invincible.

So true as I got the bung out my airbox if they walk out I just floor it then obviously they will hear me coming they just crap themselfs and leg it across hahahahaha !
matbry01":1jmjt6cn said:
Sam":1jmjt6cn said:
Today my one isn't road users as such, but more... bloody teenagers stepping out in front of my car. Did their parents not teach them the Green Cross Code? Or like most teenagers, they probably think they're invincible.

So true as I got the bung out my airbox if they walk out I just floor it then obviously they will hear me coming they just crap themselfs and leg it across hahahahaha !

This one was forced to step back. It was two girls, the traffic lights went on green for me so I moved off and then one of them carried on walking. Her friend screamed "OH MY GOD" and I hit the brakes just in time... First time I've done an emergency stop in a long time. Possibly the first time in the Twingo.
Why can't they just look before they cross? It really isn't that difficult.
Sam":28y46pot said:
Today my one isn't road users as such, but more... bloody teenagers stepping out in front of my car. Did their parents not teach them the Green Cross Code? Or like most teenagers, they probably think they're invincible.
Agreed on that...half the time it's when I'm coming over a roundabout and they're crossing taking their time on the other side.

My HKS is quiiiiite loud so I just put my foot down, they quickly move out the way.
Id like to rant about me being a complete **** and kerbbing a alloy this morning.

Massively tired and wasnt paying a fooking attention while pulling up.

I know as soon as I Kerb one of my alloys I am going to be so pissed off so I fell for you :-/
Are all Taxi drivers impatient, overweight balding numpties with no spacial awareness, ability to judge speed or use indicators?! Mr Taxi driver, I CANNOT STOP MY CAR IN THE 12 FEET YOU HAVE LEFT ME BY PULLING OUT AT 3 MPH ON A 50 MPH ROAD!. This has happed 3 times to me in 2 days!
Steve-o":1xaz5l6s said:
Are all Taxi drivers impatient, overweight balding numpties with no spacial awareness, ability to judge speed or use indicators?! Mr Taxi driver, I CANNOT STOP MY CAR IN THE 12 FEET YOU HAVE LEFT ME BY PULLING OUT AT 3 MPH ON A 50 MPH ROAD!. This has happed 3 times to me in 2 days!

Cabbies do hold a special place in my hate book...

Do you think they just become complacent? driving all the time. Completely oblivious to other people yet massive aggressive
It's their career choice... I have no sympathy. You would think experience would make for a better driver, not the opposite
if i see one trying to pull out i just floor it at them so they dont :lol: :twisted: i hate them with a passion !
also bellends who done give way to the right on a round about as again foot down and aim for them then they look at me as if to say SORRY SORRY !!!! :twisted:
People that slow down to 10mph under the speed limit for speed cameras!!! They aren't going to do u for doing the speed limit so just do that!!! Or when people drive stupidly slow through average cameras!! Just do the speed limit!!!!!
people that think that EVERY road is a 30 :evil: :evil:
sitting in a 60 doing 30 coz some t**t doesnt know what the sign means

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