Road Rant Vent Thread!

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TURBO":3863y6dj said:
people that think that EVERY road is a 30 :evil: :evil:
sitting in a 60 doing 30 coz some t**t doesnt know what the sign means
that sooooo pisses me off ! especially when you just dapping the peddel in the 133 it just gives you a sound to say rag me !!! :lol: :twisted:
I was driving through a village called Churchill near Kidderminster once last year, driving along at 30mph. Anyway, this old woman in a Volvo estate coming from the opposite direction wants to turn right. So I carried on, thinking she would wait for me (and the car behind me) to pass.

Anyway, she didn't. She cut straight across the path of my car, she didn't even see me. I blasted my horn like you would not believe, and even then she didn't stop to acknowledge or even put her hand up and apologise but instead just carried on, completely oblivious. I had to ground to a sudden stop, and was fortunate the car behind was keeping a distance, otherwise I'd have been rear-ended!

TURBO":2vqirhu9 said:
Sam":2vqirhu9 said:

;) :lol:

Who are you calling elderly? :lol: If I was going much faster than 30mph I'd have gone into the stupid codge and then imagine the consequences of that... I was inches off her car as it was when I ground to a halt!
pisses me off when lights on RED and your slowly approacing instead of stopping right up at it and then some idiot beeps at u to speed up- like where the **** they gonna go!!
Ruddiezero":1hd3p3ge said:
pisses me off when lights on RED and your slowly approacing instead of stopping right up at it and then some idiot beeps at u to speed up- like where the f**k they gonna go!!

exactly, i hate that soo much!! i have noticed this alot recently, some people are soo impatient
Okay so this morning on my travels to work. I turned left into a sideroad (as I like to take shortcuts through housing estates). Anyway as I started to turn in, this huge whopping school coach came flying down and wanted to turn right across 2 lanes of traffic.

The gap was so tight for me to squeeze through that my tyre rubbed along the curb and rear passenger wheel mounted the curb, almost hitting one of the reflective bollards on the corner. This made me very frustrated. :(

I hate, hate, hate... SCHOOL BUSES. They should stick to the wider roads.
Matt":2iyr6ym9 said:
People who stop on a sliproad joining a dual carriageway. Enough said. Pisses me right off!

Surely that's the fault of the people on the inside lane of the dual carriageway not moving into the outside lane? Technically they are "Give way" lines at the end of the slip road. But yeah I know what you mean - it's annoying!

Once I almost ploughed into the back of a 106 on a motorway joining sliproad, it was late at night and he didn't have any lights on, and was stopped in a very dangerous position. Didn't see it until I was on top of it and managed to swerve it just to avoid collision.
TBH on most roads you can just adjust your speed and not have to stop, it's usually not thinking ahead that causes people to stop in that situation.
No it's their own fault. I've been behind them joining the dual carriageway, on the dual carriageway flashing away at them and also behind be car flashing at them.

Its just people too stupid to merge into traffic, panic and stop until there's a massive open area.

It's bloody dangerous in all the situations above. Behind them? You have to stop too or try and safely go around them without getting hit yourself. On the dual carriageway? Do you slow right down and hope they pull out and the cars behind don't plough into you? Etc etc
No I'm agreeing with you :lol: but if it's not safe to join (which is probably why they're stoppin) they've not judged the situation correctly and not allowed themselves time to join the carriageway. Most people just bomb it along the sliproads and don't look till they're on the carriageway pretty much. Pisses the hell out of me, that and middle lane sitters
maggi112":2q2xqexg said:
No I'm agreeing with you :lol: but if it's not safe to join (which is probably why they're stoppin) they've not judged the situation correctly and not allowed themselves time to join the carriageway. Most people just bomb it along the sliproads and don't look till they're on the carriageway pretty much. Pisses the hell out of me, that and middle lane sitters
Yeah and there's the "older" generation or simply those who shouldn't be driving who poodle along and then stop as if it's a junction. They're the people I usually confront in this situation :(
some **** today on a dual carreage way just plodding in the outside lane !! flashed the hell out of hur and still didn't budge well you can guess what i then did ..............................................
Someone very nearly hit me on the M6 yesterday. A silver SEAT Albama was in the outside lane and then wanted to come back into the middle lane, only clearly didn't check his blindspot. His tailgate almost clipped my wing. I had to swerve at 70mph towards the inside lane, in which there was a Toyota Yaris, probably scaring the daylights out of her!

I blasted my horn to the gourmless bugger in the SEAT Albama who then realised I was there. What an absolute t**t. That could have ended nastily.

quick read through this thread... you seem to have alot of close calls on the road....

maybe its you causing all these :p ! ahah
when i see this thread revived, it is usually sam who is the reviver!
lol :p it was Sam and my idea to create this, but when i usually come across these idiots on the road i forget to right it here.
This morning's drive to work consisted of some crazy old guy on a bike flicking the bird at me while I'd stopped to let him get round the roundabout! I'm like wtf! so when I got to over take him (and give him some abuse) got a second look at him it turned out to be my old Art teacher! I think I'm in shock atm lol.

(dunno if this is the right thread for this but thought I'd share anyways)

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