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luke84":29f8bjsv said:i got asked yesterday if i managed to get the rs monitor installed. i did after i went back to yeovil Renault, as last time the clip qualified technician wasn't there. i gave him the instructions posted on here and it took him about 30 minutes. he said quite of data had to be reset to complete it. but it was straight forward enough. i knew straight away it worked because the "Renault sport" came straight up when i turned the ignition on. all works well and have found no problems. haven't tried a 0-62 time yet but i will post one eventually. its interesting watching the oil temp from normal road to motorways, normaly hangs around 100oc but if your going 80 for a while it soon rises to 120oc hope this is normal :?
to install it first you need Bluetooth on your car, dont know the exact technical reasons why.
once you got the right display 280347874R i bought it from here its gone down in price £10 https://www.allcarpartsfast.co.uk/renault/renault-280347874r-afficheur-multime/
next you need to remove the center console plastic on the dash, just carefully clips off. then your find 2
star shape screws holding the display and bracket down take them out and keep safe. its now loose take the wiring clip off by unclipping it its now free to take out. to take the display out of its harness your need some screw drivers to pries it carefully out. you need octopus hands! hopefully it should push out and you can put the new one in its place and put it all back together. the new display wont work and wont light up now until its reprogrammed, the technician followed these steps
1. select the 653 ECU (multimedia ecu)
2. go into programming mode (upper right icon with some tools on it)
3. select "write configuration" on the left side menu ( second icon from the top under the home )
4. Select CF001 from the menu on the right and re-calibrate the newly installed RS Monitor
5. turn radio OFF in de ECU365
6. After doing that you can re-configure the language of the screen and thats about it.
after that you should now have "renault sport" on the display when you turn the ignition on... hopefully!
it cost me £20 at the garage to get it reprogrammed as i didn't want to risk it on the clip system, i don't know how it works.
to operate it on your steering controls there are two arrows on top press them both at the same time for about 3 seconds and you should get a disclaimer thing on the display! just "ok" it with the right arrow. now you are on to rs monitorpress the arrows left and right to switch fuctions. only thing ive noticed is you cant switch music sections on the scrolling button whilst in rs monitor. but you can switch music on you cd player controls still.
good luck
I'm quite interested in having the RS Monitor in my car, mostly because it shows the Oil temp, which, for whatever reason, my ScanGauge can't seem to be able to display!
2 questions though :
- my car was never fitted with the bluetooth, so I guess, just like that, it won't work. Is it possible to retrofit the Bluetooth system? Does it require putting a radio back in the car?
- I don't have the original steering wheel anymore (swapped for the R2 Sabelt wheel) so i don't have any steering wheel controls anymore in the car. Then how do you control it?
I've got the feeling this is gonna be a headache already