Been speaking with SFS Mangering Director and he has said dont worry about group buys. Any Twingo133 member wanting kits will get 25% off!
This are the RRP
Induction Hose AH40.1 £75.00
Induction Hose AH40.2 £80.00
Coolant Kit (5 Hoses) CHS261 £185.00
UK postage £6.00
On the hoses we will get 25% off!
**Oops fingers slipped just ordered mine**
Been speaking with SFS Mangering Director and he has said dont worry about group buys. Any Twingo133 member wanting kits will get 25% off!
This are the RRP
Induction Hose AH40.1 £75.00
Induction Hose AH40.2 £80.00
Coolant Kit (5 Hoses) CHS261 £185.00
UK postage £6.00
On the hoses we will get 25% off!
**Oops fingers slipped just ordered mine**