SNOW !!!!!!!!!

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I actually had snow this morning, and a punchure just to make my life even harder to get to work, only an hour and half late :)

Well to give you an idea of how much snow round here. Here's a 12" ruler -


and now there isn't haha.


My garden has vanished!

It is f*cking mental round here! haha

Thing is working in London, people travel from all around. They hear about a bit of snow and don't realise how in some areas like mine, it's really bad!
Bromley is bad still been havin to drive my bus in it great fun kick the back end out lol
Love with passengers i hope :lol:

If just gone out in the misses clio once im off my road its not to bad
Yeah course mate it's the only time there nice to me. See a bus take out 6 cars then hit a wall r mail u the pic
snows gone now :) but weather man says its due back mid week :( why o why seeing im back at work now
Hammering down here and im at work till 12.30 and at the moment i just measured it and is sitting at 3.5CM best part i cycled in today :( 6.5 miles cycle home ahead of me :(
did u want a lift home??
im having great fun in the 4x4!
except people keep stopping me to help them :lol:
i cycled home lol took me 51 minutes to do 6 and half miles but was fun lol