Springs now fitted, Lowness inside :D

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there a uni fit so can go unside down for positive or upright for negative. want to get really techy you could start adding washers to affect toe angle :D
Think a plan of action could be go to my local modding store (revolution) and jsut say.....sort the back out so it doesnt rub haha.

Ah yeah didnt think that you could just turn them upside down! They definately the ones to get?
yeah. and if its a garage, any slight mods that need to be made they can do it. cliosporters seem to use these plates but without angle to space out the rear wheels without using spacer/centric spacers that put strain on the hub bearings. worth a look through cliosport progress threads, theres a few of them with detailed pics. hope it helps
Ahh i see what you mean, so obvioussly one side of the plate will sit flat and other side wont sit flat, and thats what makes the angle?
yeah, putting the plate on its side, the top side would be say 1mm while the bottem would be 2mm giving it the offset
Oh i see what you mean, so the plate itself sits flat on the hub bit, but the plates fatter at the bottom than the top?
lifted from cliosport blog

can see 3 of the 4 bolts and the rear axle and hub parts. goes between the two

bingo! and nice pic ;)
Oh i see what you mean!

What side does it go on the back of it beneath the nut? or the front beneath the bolt? if you get me haha
between the silver and black bits (black axle, silver hub bits) :D the bolts are massive so could use washers to really push track length to the max just before rub ;)
picture also highlights area where you'd bolt rear roll bar if you wanted to go that route :D
Ahh i see where you mean :D.

Will fitting these not act as spacers and push my wheel out even more though? :S
every so slightly, mim spacers are 5mm these are less then that. and hsould angle it enought so it doesnt rub. and it'll be a good base for washers to be used on it you need .5/1 degree more angle
Ah right so it shouldnt make it stick out too much more then. Doesnt need much angle like to sort it like i said its just rubbing on the side wall not the top of the tyre so a couple of mm should do it hopefully. Ive ordered some, ill get them fitted during the week so if it sorts it out.

Youd put washers on the bottom to make it tuck in that little bit more wouldnt you?
yes. hopefully you wouldnt need to have them on but it can be done.garage should know what your on about or could just produce a new block for you or even skim the angle even more. i think 1degree should do the trick.