So this is the bad boy
Auto leads pc99x01 for the adaptor with the pc99alp to hook it up. Then an iso adaptor (they sell one... Pc9205 to go to the headunit) but as we both had adaptors in there anyway we didn't need one.
Turns out its for cars without screens. Although an adaptor is available in addition (pc9 201) to allow the screen to work. And I think that would still work. We both have cups though so no screen.
Now I've got to take the lower dash out and fit all the cables neatly cos it's very tight back there and with adaptor after adaptor going on to actually make it work... It's not really gonna fit easily.
We found carries adaptor for £6 all in and I paid £17 in the end off eBay. Not really that bad considering.
Hope this helps anyone who's had the issue and tried the connects 2 one (which never worked)