Twingo 133 problems

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Aug 27, 2013
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The twingo 133 has recently started running funny once started. feels like juddering and loss of power whilst the rev counter isn't steady. But it doesn't last for long and it's back to normal!? Has anyone ever had this problem before? sorry this maybe the wrong section but first time on this.

Yeah I get the same problem from cold, just give the engine 5 minutes to warm up before setting off and it's fine! As above, a remap will have it sorted
You shouldn't let a car idle stationary in order to warm it up, I'm not going to pretend I understand fully but it's to do with pressures and such not circulating the oil and warming everything up etc.

You can, to an extent, drive around this when it's cold but it is annoying. It is also a common renaultsport quirk.

Assuming it's when it's cold only it's nothing to worry about. A simply remap would sort it out as Dazza pointed out. The standard map tries to warm the cat up as quick as possible for emissions which causes this
Did someone say awhile back that there was an update map for the 133 from Renault which sorted this issue or is it just an aftermarket map?
When I was a kid, my Dad's Ford Anglia used to do that from cold. He'd tell me it was running on "Kangaroo Petrol" :lol:

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