Twingo Renaultsport Gordini number list and owner with added options
001 - RUK - Blue inserts
004 -
Mike_Robo - Blue insert wheels
005 - duff10 - Blue insert wheels
010 - yesfan - Black insert wheels
011 - Dave 133 Dini - Black inserts
013 - jj0001 - 13, black insert wheels
014 - JamRolyPoly - Black insert wheels
016 - agg - Black insert wheels
017 - darrtwingogordini17
018 - potpotparty
022 -
broken for spares
026 - Lauren90 - Cup Chassis and black insert wheels
028 - Hooligan - Black insert wheels
036 -
Gordini_133, KurtRoberts, Amberash - Black insert wheels (respected white)
040 -
Bones, - Black inserts wheels
041 - Gordini 41 - Cup pack and black inserts
045 - Joshua Robinson - Cup Pack, Black inserts and k-tec full system
047 - jonny thompson - Blue insert wheels
049 - mk dealer - black inserts
051 -
sean gordini 113,
waitey - Black insert wheels
052 - twingo Gordini no52 - black inserts
054 -
Marknovaboy mossie54 - ???
058 - Crash and broke for parts RIP
056 - gordiniseb - ???
057 - cruisinkiy57 - Black inserts
61 - phillips 118
069 - ButlerRS - Black insert wheels
070 -
BikNorton - Black insert wheels
071 - dazm90 - Black insert wheels
073 - bristoljunglist - cup chassis and blue inserts wheels
074 - Dukey - cup chassis, black inserts
076 -
xpunkxtothexcorex, Shaun133CUP - cup chassis and blue inserts wheels RS spoiler
085 - jra3d - Cup Chassis, Black inserts
089 - slim dude - black inserts
091 - miner154 - Black insert wheels
092 - blueone133 - Black insert wheels
098 - gordiniseb - Glass roof and blue insert wheels
102 -
minijay, mallett1 - Blue insert wheels
104 -
JMR, (now part exd to the unknown) - Black insert wheels
105 - wazza7 -
107 - annette133 - Cup chassis and blue inserts
110 - Alex225 - blue inserts wheels
116 - joey92 - black inserts
118 -
spiderman, miww - blue insert wheels
119 -
twingogordini, jamesw - blue insert wheels
120 - marcushudghton1 - black inserts
121 - Germy - Black insert wheels
122 - rsmonkey - Cup chassis and blue insert wheels
124 - benmc - Cup chassis and black insert wheels
129 - RS GORDINI - Cup chasisi and blue insert wheels
136 - SeanG-1995 - ???
142 - Dynamoo - Blue insert wheels and parking sensors
145 -
Dan133 Joshdaniels - Cup chassis and Blue insert wheels
147 - gordian - Cup chassis and black insert wheels
152 - 01jones
156 - GKZ 206 - Cup chasis and blue insert wheels
159 - singlespeed - cup chassis and anthrasite wheels, RS spoiler. Plaque, doortrims and gearknob remaining

165 - Twiggy165 - Blue insert wheels and parking sensors
169 - trapperfocus1 - Black Gordini, black inserts
170 - KC85
172 - Morgan - Black inserts, No back seats
174 - grrrl_friday - blue inserts
176 - Gem - Cup chassis, blue inserts wheels and RS silverstone exhaust
178 - gower133 - Cup chassis
180 - remicarcamo
182 - rentaghost - black with black inserts
187 - corsiker - black gordini
192 - JLOtheTwingo - black inserts
195 - Joey - blue inserts
365 - Freevibration - blue inserts
Jarre - Black insert wheels
559 -
James-Hilton, -Cup chassis and black insert wheels
639 - Virgin - Blue inserts
688 - Rontrs - Cup chassis = Twingo Gordini from Northern France
863 - Gerred - Black insert wheels from Germany
880 - GhostZ - Black insert wheels
942 - Ace1988 - Black insert wheels
970 - topo62 - cup chassis,black inserts,supersprint exhaust pipe from germany
1063 - RomainRC - Cup pack
1117 - tinac - Black insert wheels and power pads
1308 - Xedexx - blue inserts = Twingo Gordini from Sweden
1348 - Chrisil - No Options = Twingo Gordini from Germany
1756 - Eric_G_Cup - Black insert wheels and RS spoiler = Twingo Gordini from South of France
1763 - John - Cup chassis / Blue inserts and RS monitor, RS spoiler and a diffuser (diffuser painted in gloss black) = Twingo Gordini from Netherlands
2192 - twiglet - Blue inserts and RS monitor
2596 - greeneye - RS monitor and black inserts = Twingo Gordini from Austria