thought it might be a bit of good idea to do some sort of schedule for the day so heres a little brake down:
2PM meet at fairheaven lake, car park far side of the lake down the long ramp.
( maybe there for an hour or so whilst we all get to know each other and wait for the late comers, oh and pics of course)
if people are hungry there is a cafe next to the lake or there is couple of pubs around the area if anyone wants something of a proper meal ( the island for instance has one of those "fair and square" kinda pubs)
if people are wanting to go to the pub that could take us to around 4ish but that depends on what time people arive at the lake, so that would be good idea to strech out a bit of time, grab a pint or a coke and chat about cars/what ever you want.
after the above is all sorted/stuffed there faces its a good stright road to the carpark oppsite the pleasure beach for pictures. having all the cars lined up with the Pepsi Max Big One in the background would look sweet for those "tourists" with us. (would look better at night when its lit up, so might suggest either leaving this till later or going back after the lights rally)
from there we can head into blackpool town centre for pictures at the bus staion ( 133_ads and black twingo-i was there the other week and took some great pics with the graffiti art work) there's a thread on here if anyone wants to look.
then we head to cleveleys (lower Prom part,just over the tram tracks) for more pictures, chat etc.......
if we spend around an hour at each location the time at this point should be around 7pm, from cleveleys we start the run through the lights, will end up back near the pleasure beach so could go back to the carpark at the front of the PB for those night pics before everyone goes home.
lights switch on at 5pm and the schools break up for a week this friday so need to avoid the prom around this time, dnt get me wrong itl be busy at 7pm but unless people want to wait around till 8 or 9pm we might have no choice but to brave the worlds biggest traffic jam!!, of course this is a rough plan so i would expect it to change at some point. also depends on how long people are wanting to stay around for as there are plenty more places to vist. maybe an hour at each location might be to long or not long enough for some people so i think a lot will be played by ear,
if anyone wants to add locations/things to do then speak up and we can slot it in.
what do you think mike? do you have anything you wanna input?