So little update
Decided to put it back together standard, so will be ordering new parts after the bank holiday weekend. New oil pump, head gasket etc. Going to get the crank done and new shells to fit supplied. Then I’ll build the engine back up, looking at around a couple of weeks hopefully.
Need to get my turbo checked as there’s quite a bit of play in it.
Some good has come of it though, means I’ve been able to tidy my wiring loom up (had to cut it when was looking for the boosting problem) painted the bulkhead and I’ll be looking at a master cylinder swap as had to double pump the brake pedal to get full effect of the brembos.
Also looking into possible radiator upgrade, the car doesn’t overheat at all at the moment which is really good but while it’s out just debating it.
I’ll probably paint the front reg recess while the bumper is off too.