So it's a while since i posted something again but i have been being a bit bussy making something unique (i think) for my twingo i had this idea to clean up the front bumper a bit more nicely and agressive :twisted:
so this is what i have been doing
running around like this at night makes the nose of the RS pretty aggressive now

( to bad we still need license plates in the front)
but at day you got this ugly front to look at with those holes in it ...
also i saw how crappy renault did their paintjob on mine and covered it up placing our massive numberplates on there so no one would notice ...
so it was grind it all off fill up the holes and paint it , but i had another idea and some of my friends with expierience in this line of work helped me alot with this
so bumper off

(also testing new fog lights

30W Cree led bright as f***)
so we started taking the grill out and the reinforcements inside the bumper and then we started to tape it up for the next process
the next process was laying down layers of fiberglass
after a day both fiberglass molds where hard and time to cut them off
1 front bumper fiberglass raw piece
after the fiberglass molds where made it was time to put the bumper back together cause i needed the car to go to work and without a bumper the police would stop me instantly (also why does renault use so many rivets in this bumper it almost insane, we used a few bolts and rivets ...)
raw fitting of both fiberglass pieces after some sandpaper grinding
so now it was time to do the final touches get the uneven bits off and get a smooth line , so this guy had the trained eye and experience for it
attention to detail
now a few more finishing touches and of to the guy who will finish the product to its final stage = carbon :mrgreen: