What did it was the fact the twingos seats moves forwards allowing us to fit in the pram whereas it just wouldnt go the swift i wish i could have seen my own face when it fittwd in the twingo lol
Id say keep the gordini tbh you will have enough room and its probably just an excuse if ur missus makes you get rid to change you and make you grown up (ie boring)
If you think yiu cant cope with a small car by all means look around but something qffordable fun prqctical and economical is hard to find these days. Also there are far worwe placea to be than in a 4 star twingo
Id say keep the gordini tbh you will have enough room and its probably just an excuse if ur missus makes you get rid to change you and make you grown up (ie boring)
If you think yiu cant cope with a small car by all means look around but something qffordable fun prqctical and economical is hard to find these days. Also there are far worwe placea to be than in a 4 star twingo