Jarre":3qlciox3 said:
No stupidn enough i didnt take glassfracture. Gong to try to insure the car for it and lets hope they dont want to see it...
What happened with carglasa?
well they said to me " you have to be here at 10 am " so 9:50 ish i arrive so i tell them the story of need new window blablabla appointment blablabla they answered to me this
" well it looks like your windows hasn't arrived yet uuuh you have 2 choises
1. we prep your car without a window and wait for it to arrive ..
2. you go home and come back at 2pm and then it will be certainly here and then we fix your car ...
so this was my first annoyance that happened so i said " ill leave the car here and prep it " they will call you if it is ready and you will get a bicycle so you don't have to wait there
after 4 hours and a half (takes normally about 2 and a half hours) the car was finished and i was happy and i cycle back to the shop
so i give those guys papers from my insurance and everything done i go to my car and i look at my fresh window and i look at the rubber trim on the outside that seals the window it was on the sides already cut with a knife and squished , so i go back and i ask them this *sarcasm on* " i know rubber can break and starts fade or rip apart but after 10 minutes being freshly out of your shop thats a first to me ... " *sarcasm off*
funny thing is he looked surprised

he said SORRY you have to wait another week cause of the glue we cannot take it of now and fit a new one ...
so after that week it got fitted and i was semi-happy off again