Your MPG

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Which is why the jaz only gets 30 mpg over there :lol: I'm used to gallon sizes and comfortable working with them. But it would make more sense to sell them in the same units they're described in. But you're not allowed to sell it in anythig but a litre are you...? Yet cars are allowed to go 'old skool' ???
DrDrew":1nzuidxg said:
It's probably because over here we're used to the mpg figures, so if manufactures only gave l/km or l/mile people would be saying "well what does that mean and how does it compare to the old figures?"

I always remember it as 1 gallon is roughly 4.5 litres (In actuality it's 4.54609188 - had to look that one up.) Though if you're looking at American figures, their gallon is different to ours. The U.S. gallon is only 3.785... litres
I didn't even know there was a difference between US & UK gallons.. way to go to make things even more complicated :shock:
Yep, UK & US are always trying to make things difficult. Also remember if you're ever in the U.S. and get offered a pint, that's not a pint either. UK pint = 568ml, US pint=473ml. Getting considerably less drink there ;)
Yep. Lightweights.

All your favourite detailing products always come on us pints and gallons :(
Lol, I think my car has peaked at 25.2mpg, had clio 2 weeks and spent £200 on fuel so far. :oops:

You lucky twingo owners, lol :) x