Small update.. blue adonised outlet for the cold air feed.
On a side note,
ran into a police control last night. First time in 6 years I have my driver's license that I had one.
A very angry looking cop was looking at my car, came to my window and said "those nice blue lights in your headlights aren't allowed.. pull over!"
Then 2 young friendly cops asked for my papers.. funny though when I was parking next to the cops, one of them said "look, it's a Renault Wind!"
Gave them my papers, insurance, no problem.. then they asked if I modified my car. "Something to the headlights?" They said. I said "no, the blue ring inside the headlights are OEM. Didn't change anything to my headlights". They looked at them again with 3 of them checking out my car..
lolz lucky you nice outlet fancy blue
Did a sobriety test (my first ever) & no problem either.. so they let me drive away with no issues.
My gf said I looked cool and making some jokes with the cops but I was so afraid they'd notice my car was on coilovers and would have asked for a TüV. If they did, I was FUBAR'd! My car was even scrapping when I drove on the parking lot where they were checking all the people/cars.