How could I resist??

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Fortunately this has had the belts done. I'd have been inclined to steer clear if it hadn't. That was changed not long before my mate got it so in terms of age it should be good for another couple of years. :)

I never owned my first 172 long enough to get the cambelt done, only had 15k on it when I sold that. Megane was done by Karl's place though at 5 1/2 years/3,100 miles.
Haha this is the second thread where someone has said that today!!

I take it as a massive compliment to the car. :)
Next mod cup spoiler or V6 spoiler Alex?

The cup spoiler would finish it off a treat.
Agree on the cup spoiler. It's a nice subtle one really but adds so much!
My mate had an Iceberg 172 with black 172 wheels, GDI exhaust, ITG Maxogen and the cup spoiler.

I'll have to dig a pic out of the 'archive'
Was as loud as f%*k ! :eek:
You've had a right steal there Alex! Need to get a picture of all the cars together! :p
Maybe all at a meet. If you need offers to move the meg, I'm available ;)
This is the closest I've got to a picture with all four RenaultSports in! Can just see my Gordini hiding outside next doors garage haha.


I've kinda got enough space on the front to get the cars together in some kind of shape I could take pics of. Will do that next spring me thinks! :)
Haha yeah it's nearly there. Just needs a Renault 5 GT turbo slotted in there too !!
Such a kind offer Mags!! hahaha

By the way she's now officially a Clio 182!!! ;)


And another little sticker...

The wheel colour adds 5hp each I heard? Least what cliosport told me
Took a few more pictures of the Clio today. She's coming along nicely.

I've just managed to get hold of some original silver door bullets so I can experiment with the current black ones or go OEM if I decide.

Next on the agenda will be Plastidipping the wheels and maybe the roof matt black. Looks easy enough that even a muppet like me can do it haha. Here she is for now .....






These mats are actually custom cut chequer plate steel which I bought back in the day for my second car, which happened to be a 2001 Clio. I bought these in, erm well 2001 haha. I still rather like them and lets face it you won't find harder wearing mats! haha

Lovely looking interior Alex

I like those mats, go well with the silver car.
Its taking shape nicely.

I agree in your move for replacing the bullets with the standard silver again.
The mats really brighten the interior up and I don't have OEM mats in there anyway as I never had any with the car. Also since they were just sitting around I thought I may as well use them haha.

Yeah the bullets I'm getting are standard which on an Iceberg silver Clio blend in with the bodywork. Chap on CS has sold them to me for £15 so no harm having them as spare.

I'm thinking I may do these black ones matt black to match the wheels when I do them. The only reason they are black anyway is because they were a bit tarnished but I reckon they'd have come up ok but instead my mate sprayed them black! haha
Well I bought some door bullets off a chap on, was told they were in really good condition. Maybe really good condition for something 10 years old but not useable on the car as they were pitted and peeling.

So had a mate who does bodywork spray them up body coloured. Said to him I wasn't fussed about it showing 2.0 on the side if the finish would be better with them sanded smooth. Have to say I rather like them, certainly match better black ones it had. Nothing else on the car is black!!



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